Tuesday, 14 February 2012


I started to explain to somebody on FB why the majority of people who try the rowing machine end up with either backache or disappointment because they're not getting a great workout. The post was starting to get far too long, so for any indoor rowing wannabees ............... let's start showing those guys at the gym how to use this machine as it's supposed to be used!! (p.s. I've done competitive indoor rowing so I'm not making it up - honest! lol)


  • Grab the handles and pull!
  • Leave the damper at 10 because that's where everyone else has it and it makes for a harder workout (WRONG!)
  • Pull!
  • Pull!
  • Pull!
Excellent! Well, now we've got that sorted ...

  • Get your hands on that damper and put it at a max of 5 (ladies) or 6 (gents). NOBODY who knows anything about rowing - world champions included - would be seen dead rowing with the damper at 10! When you see this at the gym, you can write them off as knowing nothing about rowing lol  Yes, it has its uses, but not for a cardio workout! The '10' is very sport-specific and specialised. Ignore!
  • Adjust your feet to the right foot size - you want the strap to come more or less across the centre of your foot.
  • Press Menu and then Just Row
  • Mantra for beginners:  Legs, Arms, Arms, Legs (repeat as necessary)
  • Bent legs with bum as close to calves as poss. and calves 90 deg. angle (try not to let knees over toes but really get bum as close as possible every time)
  • Lift the handle. Arms straight out OVER/TO THE OUTSIDE of knees. Don't pull! Let the resistance take your arms forward as close to the front of the rower as you can - really full stretch.
  • HERE'S WHERE THE BACK ACHE IS CAUSED:  This comes from pulling on the handles to straighten up and then slide your legs back. What can I say? No, No, No, No, No! Forget your arms. Pull your core in hard and push with your legs. Your arms do nothing other than follow your legs.
  • Straighten legs but don't lock knees completely
  • Once legs are completely straight, then and only then do you finish the move by pulling the handle back, elbows IN - as close to the body as possible and the handle should finish stomach or lower chest height, no higher!! (UNDER your boobs, ladies)! 
  • Immediately allow the handle to start returning to the start position. NOW watch the line between the handle and Start position. Look at the cable! It should form a lovely straight line and you maintain that straight line all the way back to the beginning. Absolutely NO waving up and down, jumping over knees and down to the bar - none of that! One smooth lovely movement - hands stay level the whole time
  • The trick?? Your legs do not move until your hands have passed the level of your knees. As soon as your hands are past your knees, your knees bend and you breathe out and come back to start position, stretching all the way forwards and ready to push with your legs again.
  • Rowing is ALL LEGS!! So you see? Push with legs, finish stroke with little pull, arms come straight back past knees, knees bend and legs return to start! No jumping, no waving, absolutely NO up and down movement. It should feel smooth and easy. Start REALLY slowly. I ALWAYS start in very slow time, concentrating on those 4 movements until they come naturally. Then I start speeding up.

Just the basics:  Go to MENU and then JUST ROW.  What you see depends on what the person before you was doing. Push the CHANGE button at the bottom to simply alter what you see. You want to keep an eye on only a few things. 
  1. The timer (obvious) - it's placement on the screen depends on what workout you're doing!
  2. The splits: This is one of the two most important numbers. Look for the numbers in the box that has /500 in the bottom. This is the number you need to record EVERY TIME you row. Watch what it does. The harder you row, the lower this number will be. In Mish's rowing instructions she wants you to keep this number between 2 and 2.30. What does it mean? This is how long it would take you to row 500m at your current speed. Watch this box like a hawk!
  3. spm: The second most important in terms of rowing technique and a great way of doing intervals without hassle!! 'spm' means Strokes Per Minute! What it says on the box .... the faster you row, the higher the number. 
I suggest you forget all the other numbers for now - they're irrelevant for general workouts.


  1. Follow what Mish says - 5 minutes but now you know how to watch those 2:00/2:30 splits, right?
  2. Mish's intervals ... follow the programme - exactly what Mish wants you to do. However, where Mish says go hard for 60 secs, easy 60 secs etc. there are a few ways of doing this ... For those 'hard' minutes, watch the splits for your first one (go really hard) - then keep as close to this as possible for every other 'hard' interval and if you don't match it on the last one, it's 50 burpees!!! Yep! Really! lol  The other thing you can do is play with the spm. Your 'hard' minute should be consistently above 30 or 35 spm and if you do this you can ignore all the other numbers on the board. Make sure you don't start using your back and your arms once you start getting tired. Slow down, correct your technique and the numbers will improve, too. Technique is everything.
THE FINAL READING:  It's worth getting into the habit of doing this because it's the only way you can really see your progress!! Once you're finished, take feet out of straps and come to screen. Press MENU. Then look at the buttons on the right of the screen. Press the bottom right button, then the one above it, then the one above that!! You will now see a link to the summary of your workout results. It'll already be highlighted so press the little button with the magnifying glass to the right of your screen and you will see your details results. Record them - particularly the top line, but if you have time, the others as well. Quickest way to do this is take a photo on your phone. Can you work out what the numbers are? Post a pic on FB or message me and I'll show you!! When you've done it once you'll know what to look for next time.

So ................ what are you waiting for? Go and ROW!! Go and row CORRECTLY - and you won't believe how many calories you're going to burn!! Let me know if you want a few killer calorie-burning workouts to help with SSS which will fit in perfectly with 12wbt.

Hope this helps somebody.


  1. I SO want to fly you over to Melbourne right now to be my rowing coach! Awesome post. I might have to print it out and take it to the gym with me (when no one else is around of course).

    Yes! Would love some ideas for SSS workouts.

    Thanks Amanda.
    And welcome to blogger too :)

  2. Haha - feel free to fly me over any time!!!! lol Sending some rowing sessions your way (will PM you) to help with SSS (although if we can move after what Mish has laid out, it'll be a miracle!). Great for daily cardio, though. Enjoy (if that's the right word??) x

  3. You make me want to go and join the gym again, simply so I can start using the rowing machine again. I used to love that machine, but never paid attention to the screen, had no idea of the correct technique or anything, just kinda plodded my way through. Hmm maybe it's time to invest in a membership again...

    Tina (currently clueless...)

  4. Can I get some of those workouts you mentioned?

    1. Hi Michael,
      Just seen your message and am running out the door but will send you workouts soon as!
