Thursday 16 February 2012

You are stronger than you think!

Oh yes! I'm learning. Slowly. And it's good that the learning process is already starting in Week One. I have got to start believing in myself and trusting that I'm capable of anything I put my mind to. It's just about getting that mindset in the right place, isn't it?

I'd a fantastic session in the gym this morning. I was really looking forward to some cardio. I did the outdoor strength workout on Tuesday and then did something silly with my knee that evening, so rather than take backward steps and re-injure myself (just when my recovery is going so well), I decided to cancel yesterday's workout and rest up (mostly, anyway, I did go to karate!).

I was a little nervous starting out this morning - fear of failure kicked in early, together with the fear of my knee not allowing me to do the workout I wanted. I warmed up on the x-trainer for 10 mins rather than 5 - just to give my joints the best possible chance. Then it was crunch time. 15 mins steady state jog? I haven't done that since January when I destroyed both my knees. I've been building up slowly and ever so carefully so this was a real test - and quite nerve-wracking. I was slightly conscious of my right ITB niggling - but it only made me thoroughly aware of my foot strike and what I was doing. Once I corrected that, everything else seemed to fall into place. Hurrah!

Steady state done, it was time for interval hill-running. So here's where I bottled it! I really didn't believe either me OR my knees would like this, so I opted for the Intermediate level - which I did - and far too easily. THERE IT IS!! THE LIGHTBULB MOMENT!! Stop being afraid of failure and trust yourself more!!!

So I did! I cranked it up and did 2 more sets of the top level intervals. Final 30 secs in each one hurt, but it felt GOOD GOOD GOOD. That was the day's highlight.

On to rower, then to bike. I hate the bike so always avoid it at the gym - therefore I had no idea what level to put it at. I opted for Level 8 as I had no idea what was going to happen on the hills. Turns out it was much too easy. Repeating this session next week ....

GOALS:  3 x top level hill-runs + Level 12 bike.

The learning commences/continues ...

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